Kindergarten 2022-23 Registration Now Open!

Online registration is now open for the 2022-23 Kindergarten school year.
Our program runs full days on Tuesdays and Thursdays with one extra day (usually a Friday) each month.
EARLY REGISTRATIONS ARE APPRECIATED and greatly assist us with planning.
Students MUST be FIVE (5) years old as of December 31, 2022
- If you already have a Parent Portal account, click on School Engage and “Add” your new student. Then fill out the 2022-2023 New K-12 Student Registration Form for your kindergartener.
- If you are new to Wolf Creek Public Schools, visit our website at:
- Click on Registration on the top menu, and follow the instructions to be guided through setting up your own School Engage Account and registering your child.
IMPORTANT: You will be asked to upload a copy of a legal identification document for your child, such as a birth certificate.
(Any fee payments would not be due until the fall.)
Thursday, May 5 at 6:30pm for families of children attending Kindergarten in the fall.
Please register your child through the online registration process. Our kindergarten teacher will contact you with details.
For questions or more information, please call Clive School at 403-784-3354.